Every Bride wants a fairy tale wedding where everything comes together perfectly, looks stunningly beautiful and all goes to plan with lots of laughter and good will along the way.
To be honest that’s exactly what a wedding photographer wants too with spectacular back drops, wonderful locations and most of all happy, engaging people full of the joy of the day.
With Emily and Dan that’s exactly what we got. A truly wonderful couple very much in love and with fantastic and fun loving families and friends.
We were grinning all day long both at the jokes and interaction with family and guests and at the thought of the great images we were able to capture. We had the perfect mix of people and location with a Cathedral wedding and the wonderful Tattersall club in the heart of Brisbane’s CBD as the venue.
The lead up to the wedding had been a bit rough weather wise but on the day even the Gods were on our side with beautiful blue sky and white puffy clouds.
Even walking through the streets of Brisbane through up some great opportunities for photographic magic.
A wonderful fairy tale day for us all. :)